5 Tips for a Healthy Cervix

January 18, 2023

In celebration of #CervicalHealthAwarenessMonth, we’re sharing a few tips to keep in mind when maintaining your cervical health. These must-dos are great to add to your list of health resolutions for the year! 


Know How It Works

  • Taking the time to learn more about how your cervix functions is a must. You’ll be able to more easily communicate your concerns during doctor’s visits, and advocate for your comfort and health. 

Schedule your annual pelvic exam

  • An important next step would be to schedule annual pelvic exams (AKA pap smears) to help screen for cervical cancer or infection. 
  • According to the Mississippi Department of Health, early stages of cervical cancer may show no signs or symptoms, meaning that more obvious symptoms, such as pain or bleeding, are indicative of late-stage illness that is much harder to treat. 

Get vaccinated

  • Getting vaccinated with an HPV vaccine can prevent you from catching variants of HPV that cause infection-related cancers or genital warts. The vaccine is most effective when administered before you reach the age of 26

Don’t Smoke, Vape, or Juul

  • Smoking can cause cancer almost anywhere in your body–including your cervix. That’s because the toxins in cigarette smoke can weaken your immune system, preventing your body from fighting infections. It can also damage your cell’s DNA which can cause that cell to rapidly grow into a tumor. 
  • Vaping has been linked to an increased risk of cancer, and certain juice flavors have been linked to cell damage and may contain cancer-causing ingredients. The same risks apply to Juuling. 

Stay Active & Prioritize Wellness

  • Eating well and staying active can help you live longer (and healthier). That’s because exercise and healthy eating help boost your immune system and lower your risk for certain diseases and cancers. 
  • Finding ways to destress and maintain your mental health should also be part of your plan! 

By following these tips, you’re ensuring the wellness of your body and health. If you want to learn more about the cervix, check out this article.

5 Tips for a Healthy Cervix - Fact Not Fiction